Taiwan’s election finale sparks global reactions

Taiwan's election finale sparks global reactions

Discover worldwide responses as Taiwan’s election wraps up. Global reactions unfold in the aftermath of the presidential race finale.

Taiwan’s new parliament to see tripartite alliance; Experts stress DPP coordination

Taiwan's new parliament to see tripartite alliance

Explore Taiwan’s political dynamics with a tripartite alliance emerging in the new parliament. Expert insights underscore the importance of enhanced coordination within the DPP for effective governance.

Taiwan’s Presidential Election: Party “Lai Xiaopei” wins with 5.58 million votes

Taiwan's Presidential Election 2024

Discover the political landscape as Party ‘Lai Xiaopei’ secures victory in Taiwan’s Presidential Election with a resounding 5.58 million votes. Explore the implications and key highlights of this historic electoral triumph.

Biden Praises Taiwan’s democracy Plans to Send High Level Delegation after the election

Biden Praises Taiwan's Democracy

Explore Biden’s democratic journey as Taiwan takes the spotlight. Join the high-level delegation’s post-election visit, witnessing the celebration of shared values and cooperation!